Tuesday, September 2, 2014

No more shame

I was thinking about shame last night as I went to bed and started this blog entry and after I published it, realized it was not finished...I needed to back up a bit and share some things...

This past Sunday one of our Pastors spoke about Kingdom Ground and how we need to have "soil" in our hearts that is prepared to hear God and know God more. He talked about the Parable of the Sower- Mark 4:1-20. http://biblehub.com/niv/mark/4.htm. And he talked about the soil where there are shallow roots. He talked about the Word being planted on rocky places- the person receives the Word with joy and then struggles because there are no roots.

He talked about how we need to dig up our soil and throw out those rocks so that we can plant the Word and so that it can GROW. I thought about this and realized that SHAME was one of those rocks that at times prevents the roots of God's word from growing deeper in my heart. SHAME is something that sneaks up on us and if we believe it, it can go down deep and block our intimacy with God.

I am so thankful for this message how God spoke to me and now my response.

Shame makes us feel ugly in every way possible.
It isolates us and it paralyses us.

It is also a lie- a filthy lie straight from the pit of hell. It steals our identity in Christ- who already died for whatever we are feeling ashamed of. It leads us to unbelief, to not trusting God, and we cannot go there anymore.

Shame taunts us...it ridicules us...it entraps us...and we need to be DONE with it.

I came across this quote and it BLEW ME AWAY...It literally stopped me in my tracks and covered me in a sense of glorious brave acceptance.

I am showing up to my life UNASHAMED and I AM TRUSTING MY GOD because HE IS A GOD TO BE TRUSTED.

And I get it- you've been hurt, people have broken your trust and it can be so hard to let God in, to let Him close, but His grace is the antidote to your shame.


God is saying this to you my sister-
"You are my gem. You are my jewel. You shine with my light because you bravely reveal your cracks.  You are never to be ashamed of your life, your past or your present mistakes and struggles because I am in it. You can move on and walk in confident assurance of who you are IN ME."

And He reminded me of one of my favorite verses:
Psalm 34:5- "Those who look to the Lord are RADIANT, their faces are never covered with shame. "


I don't know if this speaks to anyone, but it burned in my heart and I had to share.
So no more shame ladies- in the trenches of Mommy guilt, overflowing piles of laundry, impatience, whining, hurt feelings and overwhelming days, moments where we feel regrets from the past, where we think we are not good enough to approach God- we can be RADIANT as we look to Him.

Show Up For Your Life.

Don't Be Ashamed.

Be Radiant.

Be Revolutionary.
Walk in the Truth of Who You are In Him.

Click on the link below for an amazing song about showing up for your life and seeing the Glory of God shining in it!

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