Sunday, April 12, 2015

Confidence in Our Calling

I recently had a mama comment on one of my blog posts and I heard her...she was wanting to see more articles from Christian Working Moms who are confident and secure as a working mom and a Jesus girl.

Part of growing is being challenged. I hear what she is saying- it can get discouraging when all you read about is CWM's who miss their kids all day long, feel guilty about working or somehow feel like their lot in life is harder than other Moms. I hope I did not communicate that, but if I did, that's okay too- I write from where I am and my experience- I am not by any means an expert on this topic, it is just close to my heart. I ask God to use my words and I welcome comments that challenge them so that I can be sure to be well-balanced in my perspective. I want to encourage but I also want to BE encouraged and this comment encouraged me to think about things a bit differently.

My feelings, struggles and thoughts are mine and they are real but I am challenged by this sweet mama who wants to read more about a confident Christian Working Mama- who feels secure and peaceful in her calling and bold to be who she is and feels close to the Lord through this time. I need to read more about this woman as well and I need to maybe even embrace that I AM that woman, and walk in that confidence.

So hear goes-My name is Liz and I am a Vocational Evaluator. I work with people with disabilities and I absolutely love what I do. I help people find their skills, strengths and needs through assessment and counseling. I work in Vocational Rehabilitation and am very passionate about what I do. People with disabilities are image-bearers and God does not make mistakes and I get to advocate for and fight for these amazing people to find a place to contribute in this world and I am humbled by it. Everyone I work with wants to work and be useful- my clients never complain about working, they crave it and many of us can learn from them...

I never planned on going to graduate school and never thought I would be working FT. I always pictured myself as a stay at home Mom- but the truth is that I LOVE to work- I love to learn-I love the structure of work and I love the rewards that I gain mentally and emotionally as I serve my clients and grow as a professional.

I will say with confidence (and I might have to say it several times until it takes a hold of that part of me that doubts!), that I feel called by God to be a full-time working Mom outside the home-although PT is ideal! I am using the unique skills God has designed me with and I am able to help support my family. We have a lovely, little home that is ours that fits our needs right now with two growing little boys, we have cars that run and we have our needs met and we can give to others and serve. I know that my livelihood is a gift from God and not a curse. Maybe my self-doubts and struggles come from Christian culture- but I'm willing to address that head on by saying that the Gospel trumps culture any day. And the Gospel is ALL GRACE, ALL THE TIME, FOR EVERYONE. 

I can say with confidence that working outside the home as a Mom with children has propelled me to cling to Christ in an amazing way as I have grown in my prayer-life and in my trust in Him. Additionally-allowing others to care for my children has forced this introverted Mama to lean on the body of Christ more and to enjoy how God uses others to love on and teach my children. I know at the end of the day I am their mother but I love the village God has given me and believe that my children are all the better because of the many types of care and influence they have in their life.

Yes I struggle and have days where I feel like it is too hard, but I have no doubt that if I were a stay at home Mom, that I would have those same hard days and those same doubts and struggles because they are not a result of my situation, they are from within where I struggle to trust God at times and where I lack confidence and want to be "seen" as a good Mom...

But I want to respond to my commenter by taking a step in the direction of walking in the confidence of my calling both as a Mom and in the workplace. God Bless you sister.  


  1. What wonderful words and what an wonderful response to the woman who initally commented. I just want to say that your first article made me cry... and I am a CWM who KNOWS i am called by God to be working right now. I am 100% confident in that, heck, he even called me to go back to school at the same time. (Seminary) not to chase a career but to chase a calling. And above all that, my calling has not stolen one hour from my children or my husband outside of 9-5. There are exceptions to any rule but on a daily basis, i belong to my family, from the moment we all get home until they go to bed. God blessed me to be a night owl so i could get my studies done ;-). Anyway, just wanted to say that when i read your last article the ONLY line i couldn't relate to was the one about praying i could cut back hours. But i know a lot of women who are.... but even though i LOVE the ministry (it's secular but it's my ministry!) i work in full time and know I am called... that didn't negate a single bit of the TRUTH you spoke in your first blog! Both of them were so well written and so true. Thank you for standing up for us CWM! And all the mommies :)

  2. Thank you friend! I appreciate you so much. I am with you- my career is nothing that I am chasing but living as a calling. I love your confidence in the Lord and His calling on your life and appreciate your support. Love to ya girl! Liz

  3. I have been a wife and mom for 17 years now, appreciate and thank God specifically for being able to take care of my daughter full time until she was 2.

  4. Thank you for this. You said every single word I have said to myself, trying to justify the calling God put in me--both to my family and my job. I know God uses all situations to grow us, but I KNOW that the dependence I have to have in/on Him to get everything done would not come as easily to me if I didn't feel such a strong calling to these 2 things. I have felt shame in Christian circles for that calling--and I work for a church--in kids ministry. If I feel that, I cannot even fathom what others feel. Thank you for affirming us instead of questioning us with this post.

  5. Ladies- love you all! Angel- thank you for sharing. The enemy loves to shame us, doesn't he? I try to remember that condemnation shames and conviction leads to godly repentance. If I feel that shame coming on I know it is not from God. I think you hit a key blessing in disguise for CWM's that sometimes we miss at first when it is really hard- how our dependence on Jesus grows exponentially as we work through the tension. We can find such sweet peace as we learn to let go and let God be in control as we cannot be there FT for our kids. God Bless!

  6. I sooo needed to read this!... Thank you!

  7. I love this! Your previous article also resonated with me, but despite the moments of doubt, I trust that God is leading me and my family in the right direction, with both me and my husband working FT. You are exactly right- we need to be confident, and not worry about feeling judged. It's too easy to get caught up in how others make us feel, rather than focusing on what's best for our particular family situation, and trusting God to take care of us.

  8. Thank you so much for this article! I loved the other one and admit I felt exactly like the other mama who encouraged you to write this post. I remember clearly being approached by another christian mama when I was pregnant with my first. She had expected that I would quit my job after my daughter was born and was rather surprised to hear I intended to keep working PT. For some reason the shame of that one encounter has stuck with me...even though I had prayed about my situation and knew I was doing what I believe I'm called to do. It's so hard...for everyone...regardless if you work or not. I'm so torn between my two worlds and the dilemma of finding that christian fellowship with other moms...and not taking away precious minutes with my little ones. We all need to support, encourage and LOVE each other!!! Thank you so much for your thoughts...they have blessed me.

  9. Thank you for this blog! I too am a working mom. I have three beautiful young kids, and I feel clearly called to work outside the home. I love Jesu and love my family and work to constantly maintain balance and priorities of what is important. This post was refreshing to read and encouraging. thank you so much for it.
