Tuesday, April 21, 2015

For My Mamas who Need Hope

She said- "In the depth of darkness- we need light. We need hope."
I had a reader send this to me...her cry for a post that would give her some hope-
I really admire her transparency and rawness-

"Anything for us less than perfect moms out there struggling? Some one take up the cause and write something for the overwhelmed mom, the mom with depression, anxiety, OCD, bipolar disorder... the moms battling chemical dependence or in struggles just to get by...Can you make one for the mom struggling to keep her head above water through divorce, mental illness, unemployment, struggling with doubt, self worth.... in the depths of darkness-we need light. We need hope."

We. Need. Hope.- Yes.We.Do,...and if in some way my posts ever sound like I even had a lick of anything "all-together or perfect"...

 I need to ensure you that this Mama is far, far, far from all of those things...
I just have an all-together perfect Savior...

Those three words (we need hope) are where it is at for me-most days-
I just need something to hold on to for hope.

I love Hebrews 6:19...
"This hope we have as an anchor of the soul, a hope both sure and steadfast and one which enters within the veil."

I am very visual and I love the Vision of an Anchor-
...many days-
I can feel like I am on some rough waves
I cannot get myself still
I cannot find peace
I don't feel safe
I don't feel protected
I don't feel grounded

But- I can choose to cling, run to, abide, set my heart and mind and many times just fall at the feet of Christ and I can find Hope that ANCHORS my soul...not always, sometimes it takes awhile, sometimes I even need my sisters in Christ to pick me up and put me at His feet because I stubbornly am still trying to do things in my own way...

Amazing words- HOPE and ANCHOR...

H- Holding
O- Onto
P- Purpose
E- Eternal

A-  Abiding in the One who is Able
N-  Needing and Never Leaving
C-  Choosing to Cling and stay Close
H-  Hoping in Him who is Home
O-  Opening my Overwhelming to his Omnipresence
R-  Remaining Rooted

I don't know you
I don't know what your life is like from sun-up to sun-down.
I don't know the burdens you carry...but I love your heart, your authenticity, your willingness to be raw and real.
And I am glad that this space felt safe for you to do just that. Transparency is where to start...

I wish you could come to my house-with all of it's repairs needed to be done, and sit at my sticky (due to popsicle wrappers constantly being left on the table- that always have that little bit of goo left in the bottom...but- I digress...), messy table (sure to include Legos, probably little boy underwear, bills and many marker stains...)

...with my dog probably barking because he has to be crated when I have company because he will knock people over with kisses...

...kids running around and yelling- "Mooooommy!", overflowing laundry basket on the couch, dryer full with hamper NEXT to it FULL and the clutter of my crazy life all crammed into my sweet little home that never (I mean NEVER) is clean...

...and I would tell you that simply that you are... not alone...in good company- I would have a sign that read MESSES WELCOME, NO PERFECT PEOPLE HERE...

...and last but not least I would tell you that in your Mess, there is A MESSAGE.

Your life has a message that someone needs to hear.
Your story has details that only you can portray to the world to bring healing and truth.
We have an amazingly creative Creator who is an expert in brokenness and messy Mamas who feel lost and alone...

At this point in time, you might want to LEAVE my crazy house (ha!) due to the craziness, but I would offer you coffee and chocolate, send the kids and the dog outside and we would chat some more.

Hopefully- I would be able to encourage you just how others have encouraged me-

By giving you that knowing look when you describe your struggles.
By tearing up when you begin to share your pain.
By laughing at your crazy mess in life because laughter is good medicine. By helping you (because we are able to comfort those with the comfort we have received-2 Corinthians 1:3-7)...and this Mama has been comforted by the only Source-Jesus Christ MANY times in my own pits of distress and struggle.
By telling you that all of it, ALL OF IT, is not in vain, and that He can take your story, your mess, your struggle and bring a message for the world to do two things- that He will work it all out for YOUR GOOD and for HIS GLORY.

Sweet sister, I can look through your list of brokenness and identify with many of them; depression, alcohol abuse, doubting, darkness...it is real for many of us...

For now- I just want to say thank you for your transparency because God is going to use your brokenness and turn it into something beautiful...I don't know what, I don't know how, but all I know is that He has done it for me and He can do it for you...no qualifications needed, just neediness needed:) Neediness for Jesus. That is all that is needed.

My Hope is Built on Nothing Less than Jesus Blood and Righteousness...I have nothing else to put my hope on...

Lots of love to you sweet friend!


  1. I love this post....
    I love your heart....
    I love your encouragement....
    I love our God who gives hope....

  2. Thank you Amanda! I LOVE your response! Hope hour day is filled with HOPE in HIM. God Bless!!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. "Opening my overwhelming to His omnipresence." I love i! Thanks for the encouragement! Visiting from Christian Mom Blog Support :)
