Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Sitting Beside, Walking with and Knowing each Other

So I am trying to work some things out in my head and heart- right now I am in a season of looking to the Lord for focus and minimalizing commitments, but also being open to new opportunities if He should bring them my way...

Priorities are hard at times for do I know if my priorities are where they need to be? Do I look at my time, talents and treasure as the Christian church often indicates? Yes- this is a good indicator-but am I also looking to the Holy Spirit and to what is around me to see what is God up to and how can I be a part of it?

Christian formulas for kingdom living irk me. I find that when I follow them I become overly perfectionistic and legalistic- which is my bad and my misunderstanding of what they are intended for- I get that...

It is not black and white and it is not always brilliantly colorful and exciting to walk the Christian life...

I get that...some days I need to go through the motions of what I know is right, even if it feels dry and un-impactful.  And other days I need to open my heart to new ways and remember that God is way more creative than a step-by-step list on how to be a good Christian...

My friend Lisa Jo Baker welcomed me into her world as I shared with her some very hurtful comments from a blogpost I had shared last year trying to encourage working Moms. 

She welcomed me by allowing me to share with her my story.

And she took my story seriously and she opened my eyes to something new- a concept of loving your neighbor that goes beyond what I am used to... 

She applied this concept to Working Moms in a talk she gave on The New Identity of Motherhood...

She talked about a principle of loving your neighbor...

And I started to think about everything differently- she challenged us to know our neighbor, take responsibility for our neighbor and to care for our neighbor...

As I think about my priorities and my schedule and my formulas for a thriving Christian life as a Working Mom- can I just make it simple enough for today to just ask myself- am I loving my neighbor well?

Do I know the people in my life- yes, that includes even my spouse, my children? Am I trying to fit them into my agenda, my expectations, my hopes, my needs, or am I sitting beside them and KNOWING them?

Am I seeing their needs and their burdens and am I willing to take responsibility for my part in their day-to-day needs?

And am I willing to care for them? To stop, to pause and to see how the Lord would have me care...

Take this principle and apply it to the people I work with, the clients I serve, the strangers I pass by- oh my word- Lord! Help me to KNOW, take RESPONSIBILITY for and CARE- to be the hands and feet of Jesus...

In my family- what does this look like?

Giving up space and time to support my husband's passions...

Staying up til 11pm so that my 8 year old can tell me everything he knows about Legos and 2nd grade friendships...

Holding my three year old while dinner waits because that's all he needs right now...

Offering to watch the daughter of a single Mom friend I have because I know she is exhausted...

Instead of inviting someone to church, inviting them into my home first...

Yes we can still invite them to church, to Bible Study, tell them the steps to salvation.  But if we are not willing to walk with them in the everyday grit of life, how can we get to a place of being able to share the love of Christ? How can we get them to HEAR us?

We need to take each other seriously...we need to take the time to know each other. Lisa Jo took my story seriously and empowered me to do the same for others.

How can I know you?

How can you know the people in your life?

How can I be more responsible for you?

How can you be more responsible towards others in your life?

How can I care for you?

How can you care for the people in your life?

Love you!



1 comment:

  1. Your words, "To stop, to pause and to see how the Lord would have me care..." are true and wise. To know and love, and be known and loved... is important no matter what stage of life we are in. Thank-you for writing this reflective piece. Blessings, Wendy M.
